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ANCIPS 2011: Guideline for Exhibitors

We welcome your participation in the Scientific and Industrial Exhibition at the ANCIPS-2011.

The ANCIPS-2011 is a green conference and trying to reduce carbon footprint, environmental damage and waste.

In order to enhance the prestige and sophistication of the Conference as well as its smooth functioning we request you to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Please carry out only scientific activities at exhibition stalls. Please do not carry out any frivolous activities /entertainment etc.
2. Please close all activities at the stalls during scientific sessions.
3. Banners are to be displayed only on prescribed and pre-allotted spots. Other banners are not to be displayed anywhwere other than in the exhibition stalls. 
4 Lunch and dinner coupons:T

  • One set of coupons per small stall and two sets of coupons for large stalls (irrespective of the number of stalls) shall be provided by the OC.
  • Extra Meal Coupons can be purchased from the designated desk at the venue. These are available at actual cost price of the meals.

Please help us to maintain standards of display and organisation and discipline and decorum at the Conference.

It is Your Conference,
Participate to make it a trend setter!

- Organising Committee


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