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IBS Awards


Indian Biophysical Society (IBS) Awards for Young Indian Investigators

Award for Oral presentation:

Ratna Phadke Award (for young Indian scientist below 35 years of age).

Only those who have submitted their abstract for ABAIBS meeting (before November 15, 2010 through the ABA website) would be considered. Interested applicants should send their bio-data duly attested by the Supervisor/HOD to the Convener by December 15, 2010. The award will be chosen by a panel prior to the meeting and the selected awardee would be informed before January 15, 2011. The awardee would be required to make an oral presentation (15 minutes) on the last day of the meeting. The award includes a cash prize and III AC to and fro train fare from the normal place of his/her work.

Poster Awards:

The following poster awards for young Indian investigators (PhDs/PDFs) will be also presented at the ABAIBS meeting 2010:

(a) D. M. Bose, (b) N. N. Saha, (c) N. N. Das Gupta, (d) A. R. Gopala Ayengar and (e) K. S. Korgaonkar.

These awards will be chosen by a panel during the meeting. The awardees will be given a certificate and cash prize. All the abstracts submitted by young Indian investigators (PhDs/PDFs) for the ABAIBS meeting will automatically be considered for the award. The awardees will be asked to present their work briefly for 10 (8+2) minutes during the last session of the meeting. Each participant will be required to be present at their poster during the poster session.


Announcement of Ratna Phadke Awardee (31-12-10):

Mr. Sourav Haldar of CCMB, Hyderabad has been selected to receive the above award.The IBS and the Organizing Committe congratulates Mr. Haldar for this achievement