Abstract Submission
- Abstracts related to Critical Care are invited for Annual Neurocritical Care Update 2017
- 20 best abstracts will be considered for Free Paper presentations. There are no poster presentations.
- 3 best abstracts will be considered for Agrim Budding Intensivist 2017 award endorsed by the Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesiology And Critical Care (ISNACC) and Indian Academy of Neurology (IAN)
- Last date of abstract submission is 7th March 2017.
- The abstracts may be submitted by email to ancu2017@gmail.com
Guidelines for Abstract submission
- While submitting the abstract please mention the email subject as "Abstract" followed by your registration number.
- The abstract should be submitted as a PDF document
- Restrict your abstract to 250 words from Introduction to end of Conclusion.
- The abstract must incorporate the following details:
- Title: Concise, self-descriptive
- Author/s information: Name, Designation, Institutional affiliation, Email and phone number
- Key words: 3-5 words,
- Introduction: containing "Background" and "Aim"
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- References: At least 1, maximum 2.
- Acknowledgement (optional)
- Figures/Tables: Maximum 1
- Discussion need not be a part of abstract submission. However, it must be incorporated during actual paper presentation
You will be intimated about your paper presentation time slots after review and acceptance of your abstract by the ANCU 2017 Scientific Committee via return email.
In case of any doubts regarding submission, contact:
Dr Ashish Chakravarty, Mobile: +919873766104
Dr Saurabh Anand,
Organizing Chairman,
Annual Neurocritical Care Update 2017